Obtain RCFE Licensing to Open the Doors of Your Facility


When the aging and elderly population face the decision to enter a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE), it is not an easy choice nor one to be made hastily. Aside from managing the costs involved, they want a facility that is appealing, well maintained and legitimate, i.e., that it meets all RCFE licensing criteria as set forth by the individual state in which they operate.

Those looking to purchase an existing RCFE or open new RCFEs generally must obtain sufficient licensing to conduct business legally and effectively. The last thing anyone wants are violations or complaints about their caregiving business or its employees, which can taint or ruin your reputation. Also, you will typically want to provide services that attract a wide range of residents. Having the capability to serve those with dementia and hospice residents, for example, will often help keep an RCFE occupied. Assisted living education classes are usually available to help you succeed in obtaining RCFE licensing.

Seek out a provider of RCFE licensing, classes and other assisted living products and services whose teachers represent experienced industry professionals. They ought to generally be able to offer assistance in completing the overall licensing application. Sometimes this application alone seems so complex and confusing that it takes weeks and months to complete. Let them handle the heavy lifting and submit your application with peace of mind.

Additionally, the right provider can offer administrator certification training, caregiver and medication training, occupational safety and health compliance training, continuing education for registered nurses and licensed vocational nurses and more. Applicants might even be able to take a combination of some live and online classes.

It needn’t be a daunting task to get RCFE licensing. Experts who are well informed and experienced in assisted living education can make the process look easy by providing you with all the tools needed to successfully manage your own facility.